API : Example

Example usage of neucrm API

API Usage Examples

The sample usage of neucrm is listed here for your ready referance and quick interagation of neucrm with your existing application.

The below sample code is for PHP language.



/* Configuration */
$BASE_URL = 'http://crm.mydomain.com:8080/crm';
$API_KEY = '6a920e48246c920da00f6dcba018d9b25b087539b0d550cd29';
$USERID = 6;

function api_request($url, $params){
    $curl = curl_init($url); 
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params));
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    $response = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); 
    $curl_error = curl_error($curl);

    if( $curl_error) exit('curl error: '.$curl_error);
    return $response;

/* Example 1: Do test call */
    $response = api_request($BASE_URL.'/api/server/test');
/* Example 2: Get software version */
    $response = api_request($BASE_URL.'/api/server/version');
/* Example 3: Get one Customer by Mobile Number */
    $response = api_request($BASE_URL.'/api/customer/list', array(
            'api_key' => $API_KEY,
            'userid' => $USERID,
            'mobile' => 1234567890,

    if( $response['error'])  exit('Customer API Error: '.$response['error']);

    $customers = $response['result'];
    $customer = $customers[0]; //first customer

/* Example 4: Get all Service(s) of the above customer */
    $response = api_request($BASE_URL.'/api/service/list', array(
            'api_key' => $API_KEY,
            'userid' => $USERID,
            'customerid' => $customer['id'],

    if( $response['error'])  exit('Service API Error: '.$response['error']);
    $services = $response['result'];


/* Example 5: Select any service for payment. I am selecting one service which is having Status=NP or NPD */

    $serviceid = 0; // initalize variable 

    foreach($services as $k=>$v){
        if( $v['status']=='NP' OR $v['status']=='NPD'){
            $serviceid = $v['id'];

    /* if none of the service was in NP or NPD, select first service for payment */
    if( !$serviceid) $serviceid = $services[0]['id'];

/* Example 6: make payment */
    $response = api_request($BASE_URL.'/api/payment/new', array(
            'api_key' => $API_KEY,
            'userid' => $USERID,
            'serviceid' => $serviceid,
            'amt' => 100,
            'mode' => 'Online',
            'ref' => 'credit card xxx0676 or wallet',
    /* Note: If that service was in NP or NPD, it will be automatcally reconnected and moved to ACTIVE status. No need to reconnect manually */
    if( $response['error'])  exit('Payment API Error: '.$response['error']);
    $paymentid = $response['result'];

/* Example 7: For other actions like suspend/restore */
    $response = api_request($BASE_URL.'/api/service/action', array(
            'api_key' => $API_KEY,
            'userid' => $USERID,
            'serviceid' => $serviceid,
            'action' => 'renew',
    if( $response['error'])  exit('Service Action API Error: '.$response['error']);
    $action_result = $response['result']; // expected `done`;
    if( $action_result =='done'){
        // Do some thing on success response
        // Do some thing on error response
/* Example 8: Plan change */
    $response = api_request($BASE_URL.'/api/service/planchange', array(
            'api_key' => $API_KEY,
            'userid' => $USERID,
            'serviceid' => $serviceid,
            'planid' => 50,
            'subplanid' => 63,
            'schedule' => 'immediately',
    if( $response['error'])  exit('Plan change API Error: '.$response['error']);
    $planchange_result = $response['result']; // expected result `done`;
/* Example 9: Get Status wise count */
    $response = api_request($BASE_URL.'/api/service/status_count', array(
            'api_key' => $API_KEY,
            'userid' => $USERID,
    if( $response['error'])  exit('Service API Error: '.$response['error']);
    $status_count = $response['result'];


/* Ecample 10: Get Service list in the order of latest expiry date : simple api call */
    $response = api_request($BASE_URL.'/api/service/list', array(
            'api_key' => $API_KEY,
            'userid' => $USERID,
            'sort_field' => 'valid_upto',
            'sort_order' => 'asc',
    $service_list = $response['result'];

 /* Example 11: Get Service list in the order of latest expiry date : with pagination  */
 /* If the result contains greater than 100 records, use Pagination feature, otherwise you may use above simple API call  */
    $service_list = array();
    $page = 1; 
    $records_per_page = 50;  /* You can use this value to get upto 100 records per page. Here we are showing here, to get 50 records per call */
    while( $page * $records_per_page <= $status_count['Total']) {
        $offset = ($page-1) * $records_per_page;
        $response = api_request($BASE_URL.'/api/service/list', array(
                'api_key' => $API_KEY,
                'userid' => $USERID,
                'rows_limit' => $records_per_page, 
                'rows_offset' => $offset,
                'sort_field' => 'valid_upto',
                'sort_order' => 'asc',
        $service_list = array_merge($service_list,$response['result']);
/* End of API Examples. Thank you. */
