POST /api/service/status_count
Input Parameters | Required ? | Description |
userid | Y | CRM Login User's numerical ID value |
api_key | Y | api_key for the above Userid |
ispid | N | ISP ID |
resellerid | N | Reseller ID |
location_code | N | Location Code |
sub_location_code | N | Sub Location Code |
curl -X POST $BASE_URL/api/service/status_count -d userid=5 -d api_key="0f9895fb407c83e5ea128082098b47681aa75d6944576423c4"
{ "result": { "Active": 90, "Suspend": 125, "NP": 0, "NPD": 26, "Online": 13, "Total": 241 }, "error": null }
Note: Online service count means that the total count of successfully authenticated services, which includes Active, Suspend, NP and NPD status services.
POST /api/service/list
Input Parameters | Required ? | Description |
userid | Y | CRM Login User's numerical ID value |
api_key | Y | api_key for the above Userid |
ispid | N | ISP ID |
resellerid | N | Reseller ID |
serviceid | N | Service ID |
customerid | N | Customer ID |
username | N | Username |
planid | N | Plan ID |
subplanid | N | Sub Plan ID |
mac | N | MAC Address |
bw_level | N | Bandwidth Level. Allowed values: 1, 2, 3 |
billed | N | Is Billed? Allowed values: Y, N |
prepaid_postpaid | N | Allowed values: Prepaid, Postpaid |
location_code | N | Location Code |
sub_location_code | N | Sub Location Code |
status | N | Status. Allowed values: Active, NP, NPD, Suspend, NewRequest |
protocol | N | Protocol. Allowed values: PPPoE, IPoE |
connectivity | N | Connectivity. Allowed values: Fiber, Wireless, Hotspot |
ippool | N | IP Pool Name |
ip_assignment | N | IP Assignment By. Allowed values: NAS, IPpool, StaticIP, Subnet |
staticip | N | Static IP |
tax_id | N | Tax ID. VAT/GST/Tax Number |
discount_percent | N | Discount %. Accepted Comparison Operators, like: <50, ≤10, ≥80, =100, etc. |
discount_amt | N | Discount Amt. Accepted Comparison Operators, like: <50, ≤10, ≥80, =100, etc. |
deposit | N | Deposit. Accepted Comparison Operators, like: <50, ≤10, ≥80, =100, etc. |
credit_limit | N | Credit Limit. Accepted Comparison Operators, like: <50, ≤10, ≥80, =100, etc. |
used_gb | N | Used GB. Accepted Comparison Operators, like: <50, ≤10, ≥80, =100, etc. |
os_amt | N | Outstanding Amt. Accepted Comparison Operators, like: <50, ≤10, ≥80, =100, etc. |
service_created_from | N | Created from date in yyyy-mm-dd format |
service_created_upto | N | Created upto date in yyyy-mm-dd format |
valid_from | N | Validity from date in yyyy-mm-dd format |
valid_upto | N | Validity upto date in yyyy-mm-dd format |
rows_limit | N | Limit the number of records in result set. Default: 10, Max value: 100 |
rows_offset | N | Fetch records from this offset position. Default: 0 |
sort_field | N | Sorts the result. Sort field should be any one of: id, username, customerid, planid, subplanid, protocol, connectivity, prepaid_postpaid, status, used_gb, os_amt, location_code, sub_location_code, valid_from, valid_upto, deposit, staticip. Default: id |
sort_order | N | Sort order. Allowed values are: asc, desc. Default: asc |
show_count | N | Shows Records Count only, instead of detailed results. This will ignore rows_limit, rows_offset. Allowed values are: 0, 1. Default: 0 |
curl -X POST $BASE_URL/api/service/list -d userid=5 -d api_key="0f9895fb407c83e5ea128082098b47681aa75d6944576423c4" -d resellerid=1 -d os_amt=">=1000"
POST /api/service/create
Input Parameters | Required ? | Description |
userid | Y | CRM Login User's numerical ID value |
api_key | Y | api_key for the above Userid |
customerid | Y | Customer ID |
planid | Y | Plan ID |
subplanid | Y | Sub Plan ID |
username | Y | Username |
password | Y | Password |
bill_from | N | Billing start date in yyyy-mm-dd format. Default: Today's Date |
billing_start_day | N | Billing start day of the month. Applicable only to Monthly Plans. Allowed values: 0 to 30 format. Default: Today's Date. Default: 0, 0 means day number of the renewal date. |
discount_percent | N | Discount Percentage. Allowed values: 0 to 100. Default: 0 |
discount_amt | N | Discount Amt. Default: 0 |
tax_id | N | Customer's Tax ID. VAT/GST/Tax Number |
location_code | Y | Location Code |
sub_location_code | Y | Sub Location Code |
protocol | Y | Protocol. Allowed values: PPPoE, IPoE |
connectivity | Y | Connectivity. Allowed values: Wireless, Fibre, Hotspot |
prepaid_postpaid | Y | Allowed values: Prepaid, Postpaid |
ip_assignment | N | IP Assignment. Allowed values: NAS, IPpool, StaticIP. Default: NAS |
ippool | N | IP Pool Name |
staticip | N | Static IP. To set staticip, ippool is required. |
mac | N | MAC Address |
mac_bind | N | MAC Bind option. Allowed values: Auto, Manual, No. Default: Auto. To set Manual MAC bind, need to specify mac field |
deposit | N | Deposit Amt. Default: 0 |
installation_amt | N | Installation charges. Default: 0 |
credit_limit | N | Credit Limit. Default: null |
latitude | N | Lattitude |
longitude | N | Longitude |
installation_address | Y | Installation address. Allowed values: new, same. Default: same. same means, same as Customer's Address. |
ia_zipcode | N | Installation Addr Zipcode. Required if installation_address set to new |
ia_state | N | Installation Addr State. Required if installation_address set to new |
ia_city | N | Installation Addr City. Required if installation_address set to new |
ia_street | N | Installation Addr Street. Required if installation_address set to new |
billing_address | Y | Billing address. Allowed values: new, same, ia. Default: same. ia means Installation Addr |
ba_zipcode | N | Billing Addr Zipcode. Required if billing_address set to new |
ba_state | N | Billing Addr State. Required if billing_address set to new |
ba_city | N | Billing Addr City. Required if billing_address set to new |
ba_street | N | Billing Addr Street. Required if billing_address set to new |
curl -X POST $BASE_URL/api/service/create -d userid=5 -d api_key="0f9895fb407c83e5ea128082098b47681aa75d6944576423c4" -d customerid=1450 -d planid=69 -d subplanid=157 -d username="user1234" -d password="password" -d protocol="PPPoE" -d connectivity="Fibre" -d prepaid_postpaid="Postpaid" -d location_code="LOC1" -d sub_location_code="SLC1" -d installation_address="same" -d billing_address="same"
The expected API Response will be
{ "result": 1559, "error": null }
Returns newly created Service id
value, upon success. Upon failure result contains null value, and error contains error description.
POST /api/service/update
Input Parameters | Required ? | Description |
userid | Y | CRM Login User's numerical ID value |
api_key | Y | api_key for the above Userid |
serviceid | Y | Service ID of the Service Record to update |
password | N | Set new Password to PPPoE/Hotspot |
billing_start_day | N | Billing start day of the month. Applicable only to Monthly Plans. Allowed values: 0 to 30 format. Default: Today's Date. Default: 0, 0 means day number of the renewal date. |
discount_percent | N | Discount Percentage. Allowed values: 0 to 100. Default: 0 |
discount_amt | N | Discount Amt. Default: 0 |
tax_id | N | Customer's Tax ID. VAT/GST/Tax Number |
location_code | N | Location Code |
sub_location_code | N | Sub Location Code |
connectivity | N | Connectivity. Allowed values: Wireless, Fibre |
prepaid_postpaid | N | Allowed values: Prepaid, Postpaid |
ip_assignment | N | IP Assignment. Allowed values: NAS, IPpool, StaticIP. Default: NAS |
ippool | N | IP Pool Name of Radius/CRM. To set ippool, the field ip_assignment="IPpool" To unset ippool, set ip_assignment to NAS |
staticip | N | Static IP. To set staticip, the fields ip_assignment="StaticIP" and ippool is required. To unset staticip, set ip_assignment to NAS or IPpool |
mac | N | MAC Address |
mac_bind | N | MAC Bind option. Allowed values: Auto, Manual, No. Default: Auto. To set Manual MAC bind, need to specify mac field |
latitude | N | Lattitude |
longitude | N | Longitude |
installation_address | N | Installation address. Allowed values: new, same. Default: same. same means, same as Customer's Address. |
ia_zipcode | N | Installation Addr Zipcode. Required if installation_address set to new |
ia_state | N | Installation Addr State. Required if installation_address set to new |
ia_city | N | Installation Addr City. Required if installation_address set to new |
ia_street | N | Installation Addr Street. Required if installation_address set to new |
billing_address | N | Billing address. Allowed values: new, same, ia. Default: same. ia means Installation Addr |
ba_zipcode | N | Billing Addr Zipcode. Required if billing_address set to new |
ba_state | N | Billing Addr State. Required if billing_address set to new |
ba_city | N | Billing Addr City. Required if billing_address set to new |
ba_street | N | Billing Addr Street. Required if billing_address set to new |
curl -X POST $BASE_URL/api/service/update -d userid=5 -d api_key="0f9895fb407c83e5ea128082098b47681aa75d6944576423c4" -d serviceid=1559 -d mac_bind="Manual" -d mac="65:ec:ac:76:60:0e"
The expected API Response will be
{ "result": "done", "error": null }
POST /api/service/delete
Input Parameters | Required ? | Description |
userid | Y | CRM Login User's numerical ID value |
api_key | Y | api_key for the above Userid |
serviceid | Y | Service ID to delete |
curl -X POST $BASE_URL/api/service/delete -d userid=5 -d api_key="0f9895fb407c83e5ea128082098b47681aa75d6944576423c4" -d serviceid=1559
The expected API Response will be
{ "result": "done", "error": null }
POST /api/service/mac_unbind
Input Parameters | Required ? | Description |
userid | Y | CRM Login User's numerical ID value |
api_key | Y | api_key for the above Userid |
serviceid | Y | Service ID to Unbind MAC |
curl -X POST $BASE_URL/api/service/mac_unbind -d userid=5 -d api_key="0f9895fb407c83e5ea128082098b47681aa75d6944576423c4" -d serviceid=1551
The expected API Response will be
{ "result": "done", "error": null }
POST /api/service/planchange
Input Parameters | Required ? | Description |
userid | Y | CRM Login User's numerical ID value |
api_key | Y | api_key for the above Userid |
serviceid | Y | Service ID to change plan |
planid | Y | New Plan ID |
subplanid | Y | New Sub Plan ID |
schedule | N | This is Billing schedule for new plan price. This won't affect plan change schedule. Irrespective of this parameter, plan will be changed immediately. Allowed values: immediate, next_bill. Default: next_bill |
curl -X POST $BASE_URL/api/service/planchange -d userid=5 -d api_key="0f9895fb407c83e5ea128082098b47681aa75d6944576423c4" -d serviceid=1551 -d planid=25 -d subplanid=117 -d schedule="next_bill"
The expected API Response will be
{ "result": "done", "error": null }
POST /api/service/topup
Input Parameters | Required ? | Description |
userid | Y | CRM Login User's numerical ID value |
api_key | Y | api_key for the above Userid |
serviceid | Y | Service ID to Topup |
topup_planid | N | Topup Plan ID. If topup_planid is specified, below gb, amt, type can be ignored |
gb | N | Volume of data (in GB) to Topup. Required if topup_planid is not specified |
amt | N | Price for the above GB. Required if topup_planid is not specified |
type | N | Topup Type. Allowed values: Expiring, NonExpiring. Required if topup_planid is not specified. NonExpiring means the unused data balance (in GB) will be carried over to next validity renewal |
curl -X POST $BASE_URL/api/service/topup -d userid=5 -d api_key="0f9895fb407c83e5ea128082098b47681aa75d6944576423c4" -d serviceid=1551 -d gb=10 -d amt=500 -d type="Expiring"
The expected API Response will be
{ "result": "done", "error": null }
POST /api/service/action
Input Parameters | Required ? | Description |
userid | Y | CRM Login User's numerical ID value |
api_key | Y | api_key for the above Userid |
serviceid | Y | Service ID to perform action |
action | N | Action to be Executed. Allowed values: update_usage, renew, invoice, bill, suspend, np, npd, restore, reconnect, block, unblock |
curl -X POST $BASE_URL/api/service/action -d userid=5 -d api_key="0f9895fb407c83e5ea128082098b47681aa75d6944576423c4" -d serviceid=1551 -d action="suspend"
The expected API Response will be
{ "result": "done", "error": null }
POST /api/service/usage_report
Input Parameters | Required ? | Description |
userid | Y | CRM Login User's numerical ID value |
api_key | Y | api_key for the above Userid |
serviceid | Y | Service ID to get Usage Report |
report_format | Y | Report format. Allowed values: detailed, day_wise_summary, month_wise_summary, year_wise_summary |
source | Y | Data Source. Allowed values: recent, archive |
date_from | Y | Report from date in yyyy-mm-dd |
date_upto | Y | Report upto date in yyyy-mm-dd |
nas | N | NAS IP address. Used only if report_format=detailed |
mac | N | Client MAC address. Used only if report_format=detailed |
ip | N | Client IP address. Used only if report_format=detailed |
* Date range can be max 100 days for report_format=detailed & source=recent. And max date range can be 1100 days for other reports.
curl $BASE_URL/api/service/usage_report -d userid=10 -d api_key="2107b12bfabd8af926da0e048d0e74e742a6c49dd94ff5ff2c" -d serviceid=1019 -d date_from="2020-10-01" -d date_upto="2020-10-02" -d source="archive" -d report_format="detailed"
The expected API Response will be
{ "result": [ { "ispid":"1", "resellerid":"1", "radacctid":"216806", "acctsessionid":"81801228", "acctuniqueid":"40d327e999ac01f7ae0e43eba758c4d7", "username":"lena999", "realm":"", "nasipaddress":"", "nasportid":"ether3", "nasporttype":"Ethernet", "acctstarttime":"2020-10-01 00:20:14", "acctupdatetime":"2020-10-01 09:40:14", "acctstoptime":"2020-10-01 09:46:41", "acctinterval":"599", "acctsessiontime":"33986", "acctauthentic":"RADIUS", "connectinfo_start":"", "connectinfo_stop":"", "acctinputoctets":"36421923", "acctoutputoctets":"951885494", "calledstationid":"pppoe3", "callingstationid":"F4:6E:93:4C:6E:FD", "acctterminatecause":"User-Request", "servicetype":"Framed-User", "framedprotocol":"PPP", "framedipaddress":"" }, .... ], "error": null }
curl $BASE_URL/api/service/usage_report -d userid=10 -d api_key="2107b12bfabd8af926da0e048d0e74e742a6c49dd94ff5ff2c" -d serviceid=1019 -d date_from="2020-10-01" -d date_upto="2020-10-31" -d source="archive" -d report_format="day_wise_summary"
The expected API Response will be
{ "result": [ { "report_period":"2020-10-01", "onlinetime":33986, "ul":36421923, "dl":951885494 }, { "report_period":"2020-10-02", "onlinetime":120574, "ul":1070843782, "dl":6020084273 }, { "report_period":"2020-10-03", "onlinetime":86000, "ul":501631126, "dl":6336925425 }, .... ], "error": null }